Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Battlefield 3 Aftermath, Why fans should be excited about this DLC

In this clip ZitterZap and NOVAxDRAGON discuss all the details regarding the new upcoming Battlefield 3 expansion DLC called Aftermath. We talk about the crossbow, scavenger game mode, new vehicles, support class losing helmet, sunglasses and aftershocks. We go off topic and talk about other games that have similar weapons and game modes. We discuss whether there will be class balance issues when the crossbow arrives. We discuss whether game balance and extended longevity of a game is a priority for modern publishers and game developers. We talk about scavenger game mode and whether it will have mass appeal. We talk how happy we are with our purchase of Battlefield 3 Premium and how every new DLC is essentially a new game. In the end we talk about our love and hate relationship with DICE.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

EA Flagging YouTube content containing Battlefield 3 footage, Our discussion

In this 16 minute audio clip ZitterZap and NOVAxDRAGON talk about EA flagging YouTube content containing Battlefield 3 footage and how this affect the smaller YouTubers who are not partnered. We analyze whether this is for short term profit gain from EA and if it will affect their brand in the long term. We talk about how big corporations are showing their power on YouTube and will this have a demoralizing effect on YouTubers who for the most part are doing this for free. We speculate whether we will see game companies in the future distribute licenses to control what kind of video content is distributed on the internet regarding their game. We analyze the growth in YouTube community and whether it has a part in making it a target when compared to services like Twitch.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Episode 8 - Back To Business

In this episode ZitterZap and NOVAxDRAGON talk about EA flagging YouTube Content, Battlefield 3 Aftermath details, Crossbow, Scavenger Mode, Payday: the Heist, Far Cry 3, Medal of Honor Warfighters Expectations, The Chromebook and Primal Carnage – Dino Mode.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Are gamers angry and negative about everything or do they just appear that way?

In this 16 minute audio clip ZitterZap, NOVAxDRAGON and teal_c1966 discuss whether gamers are angry and negative about everything or do they just appear that way. We give out some anger management tips that we apply. We compare gamers to sportsfans and try to defend them. We talk about how sometimes gamers do not like change and is adjusting to change part of skill? Does expectations and hype play a part in getting gamers frustrated and angry? We discuss our own  rage quitting experiences and challenges that modern games provide. We talk about all these points with regards to the Battlefield community.